A little background
The Saturday of the demo rides was a gorgeous 75 degree day, and I chose a Bonneville SE to ride. It had a totally different seating position, handling, and even exhaust note from the motorcycles I normally ride. With a little more time in the saddle, I might have fallen in love! (Hmm, maybe I am in the market for a new motorcycle after all…) While the Bonneville was great, there were things I didn’t like about the experience, but no one was around collecting feedback. Fast forward to last Monday night:
- Which bike(s) did you ride or were you interested in?
- On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your overall experience?
- On the same scale, how would you rate your interest in Triumph?
- Do you currently own a motorcycle? If so, what make/model?
Here’s what I took away from the experience:
Determine what you want to measure
Before forming the questions you're going to ask, identify what you want to learn, and then make sure the questions (and potential answers) support those objectives. From the few questions I was asked, I had no idea what they were hoping to find out. If they wanted to identify what Triumph models might be popular to have in stock, they should have asked follow up questions about whether or not I liked the bike I rode. If they wanted to target potential customers, they should have asked how soon I’d be making a purchase decision.
Ask questions that give you actionable information
Make sure the questions you ask identify areas where you can take action. I was asked to rate the overall experience, but when I rated it poorly I wasn’t asked why. If after doing all the research, they learn that the demo rides got poor ratings, they’ll have no insight on what people disliked, and no direction on what to fix first.
When you find people that are passionate about your product, keep them engaged
For more information on the topic of market research, check out Mike Sweeney’s post on the Marketing Trenches Blog: Market Research Without an Action Plan = Worthless Market Research.
How about you? Had any good (or bad) experiences with market research lately? How do you get feedback from the market about your products?
Photo credits:
- http://motoaus.com/pictorials/events/2010-melbourne-motorcycle-expo-pictorial-two.html
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/officialtriumph/5178871018/in/set-72157625391764564/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/alanclarkdesign/2486090836/in/photostream/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/sterlic/4299631538/in/photostream/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/eyermonkey/2839963443/in/photostream/
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